Below are some registration tips:
Once you click on the image above, complete the following steps to create and customize your account:
- Enter your basic information, name, email, phone number, address
- Verify your phone number (if verifying a landline, be sure to set the call time to a time you will be home as you need to answer the phone and press “1” to verify a landline)
- Choose your alerting preferences by opting in to the Notifications that you want
- LT Police Alerts (sent from the Police Department)
- LT MUA Alerts (sent from the MUA)
- LT News and Events (sent from the Township, Mayor, etc.)
- National Weather Service - WARNING Alerts (more severe conditions)
- National Weather Service – ADVISORY Alerts (less severe conditions)
- National Weather Service Tornado WATCH and WARNING Alerts (a WATCH indicates an increased risk and be prepared, whereas a WARNING indicates event is occurring, imminent or likely and take protective action)
- Save your account
- We highly suggest that you download the Smart911 app from your app store to easily access your new account. You can also sign into your account via the web, here: